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A Year in Film: Week 1

My goal this year is to shoot 52 rolls of Kodak Portra 400 film on my borrowed Hasselblad 500 C.  There are similar one camera, one lens, one film, one year projects, but this is mine, and I am going to do my damnedest to stick to it.

Each week will be themed according to the rules of Dogwood Photography.  There is also a group on Reddit that I will be submitting these to, though I am trying to work a week or two in advance just so I have time to develop my film.

There will be a lot less curation on these photos than on my bird photos.  Wanting to document my whole process and learning curve.  I am assuming there will be weeks where I get no good photos…

This week I also tested shooting all photos metered at ISO 200.
This is supposed to make them brighter/vibrant.

So. This week’s challenge/theme was photos of complementary colors.
The friendliest kind of colors.

f8 1/30
This ended up being the second photo of the roll.  The first photo was lost to a loading error.  One of my many lessons I am assuming I will learn shooting 52 rolls of this film.
Blue/Orange and Green/Red complementary colors. 

f16 1/8

For some reason I thought red and blue were complementary.
Meh… close enough.

f16 1/8th

Some lady came out of the building to ask what I was doing.
I told her it was an art project.
Orange/Red and Blue/Green

f16 1/4

Goal here was to get a bit of car movement to actually make this orange/green photo interesting.
Though I do love the details the Hasselblad’s medium format give in the brick and the tree.

I may end up focusing more on pleasing colors/textures in the future.

f4 1/15

Red and Green booths really caught my eye
This place also has Street Fighter two.
El Burrito Loco #3 (My favorite neighborhood taco shop)
I learn here that if you shoot blue in the dark it just looks black.
I shouldn’t be surprised

f5.6 1/60

This woman perfectly matches this laundromat.
I learned another lesson here though:
I gotta keep my head up when taking photos.
3 seconds after she passed there were two women holding vacuums that walked by.
That probably would have been a better photo (shrug emoji)

f5.6 1/30th

Happy about how vibrant this is.
Though it is pretty boring.
And slightly askew.

f5.6 6ish seconds counted in my head

I just really love laundromats I guess.
This was supposed to be orange/blue, but the blue of the building went black.
You live, you take notes, you learn.

f5.6 and cable release malfunction

f5.6 30 seconds

I took two photos due to the first not working the way I wanted.
I have a cable release that doesn’t quite work, so the first photo is probably 1/15
The second photo, the release triggered and didn’t fail,
so I was able to do a 30 second exposure.
Not really sure which one I like better.
The second one is growing on me,
seems a bit more interesting, and the wood texture is nice.
Also, it is better aligned in the frame.

Week 1 is done.  I sure learned a lot with one roll of film.
Let me know if you have a favorite photo!

Click Here for Week 2

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